Thursday, December 2, 2010


Being a reading person, I had a dental hygienist named Ashlyn share an idea for a good Christmas book with me today.  The name of the book is Elf on the Shelf. The premise of the book is you sit a stuffed elf on your shelf and read the book to your little one.  The elf has magical powers and will watch and listen to your little one all day.  Your little one can tell the elf anything he wants Santa to know and also the elf will be always be watching the little one's behavior.  Here is the scenario that played out:

Ashlyn:  Hey, an elf is going to be coming to visit us soon!

Caden:  Where is he?  (looking around)  How big is he? (eyes big as saucers)

Ashlyn:  Oh, he'll come out soon and you'll see.  He'll be watching your behavior!  You can also talk to him and tell him anything you want Santa to know because each night he goes back to tell Santa.  Later, before morning, he'll come back and hide.  You will get to hunt for him.  You can't touch him because he has magical powers and they go away if you touch him.  Doesn't that sound like fun?

Caden:  You mean every night we are going to have an elf WALKING AROUND IN THE DARK AT OUR HOUSE!!! I'm sleeping with you!

Depending on their temperament and developmental needs, some children might think this is fun, while others may find it quite frightening.  In fact, it kind of creeps me out. :)

Children can easily get carried away with their pretending and that’s frightening for them. You know your little one and remember, to them it can be VERY REAL.

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